To reject Jesus as Christ is to reject the very idea that one even needs a Savior. That one is even a sinner. That there is indeed sin at all or that one is above and unaffected by sin. If there is no sin or one is able to stay clear of it, then there is no need for a Savior, therefore no need for the Christian narrative at all. But why then is it so prevalent? Why does is refuse to go away? It cannot go away. There are too many evidences to point to the existence of the person Jesus. That this Jesus actually lived and died in the history of humanity is fairly well documented in many manuscripts that are not The Bible and then exhaustively in The Bible itself. In The Bible, this Jesus was put to death for the religious crime of blasphemy. He stated that He was The Son of God. This put Him in direct opposition to the religion of the Jews that would have to submit to His rule if His claims were true, and put Him at odds with the Roman emperor that claims himself to be a god. So no surprise that His death would test His claims and would put a lot of issues to rest if He just went away. That Jesus is not well documented enough to convince of His existence and claim is no surprise. Any intelligent community that wanted to dictate its own agenda would have to negate that Jesus ever existed, that He was a liar or never said that He was The Son of God and that He never performed anything that could be called a miracle (which would include rising from the dead). The Jewish religion would have to blot out every mention of His existence because to document it, would in fact verify it and all the possibilities of His claims being true. If He existed and the Jewish community had delivered Him up to be put to death, the question would beg to be asked.....Did we Jews deliver The Son of God to be put to death? That would not be something any religion would want hanging over their doctrine. That other, non-religious writings don’t give the history of Jesus more coverage is another perspective that is easily understood. The rest of the world was not Christian and had no real reason to give Jesus any place in their narratives. They would be documenting events that pertain to their own bias. That Jesus shows up at all in any non-religious document is a testimony in itself Another interesting item is the western calendar that pivots on the very life of “Christ”. That a Christian monk came up with the concept is no surprise, but that is is still in use to this very day (while forces are actively working to eradicate it) is amazing in itself. It’s been a standard of time for over 2000 years.
All that to say, to reject Jesus as The Christ has ramifications. First and foremost, rejection of Him rejects the entire Christian narrative which includes God, creation, law, miracles, love, hope, morality, forgiveness of sin and eternal life. If that is not a strong enough reason to entertain and even accept Jesus as The Christ, then there is still evidence and reason enough to believe His existence and the questions that arise because He did in fact live and still has an effect on life to this day.
A person can choose to entertain the possibility of The Christ and Him being Jesus. That will open doors of understanding that are outside the doors of the normal bias that would seek to reject Him, or one can reject the possibility and look for reasons to live and do right (if there is such a thing) without a Christ.