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Intentional Love: A Wise and Holy Pursuit

Updated: Apr 5, 2024

The wise and holy man intentionally works to be with and honor God in every respect and at all times. A wise and holy man intends to sit in the presence of the Creator of all things. To see and know Truth at its very inception, putting all questions to rest. Every darkness illuminated, nothing hidden. To do so requires a knowledge of God that only comes by an intentionality to know Him and His will. Therefore a life of seeking God is the first and ongoing intention of a wise and holy man. Not that the man is wise and holy first, but that the pursuit of God is a wise and holy quest. In the course of this quest, God, Who is willing to be known, opens the doors of communication  through revelation, coloring the thoughts of the man with wise and holy knowledge of opposites and choices. Using all that is created, seen and unseen, to open the spiritual eyes to see and know the deeper and deeper holy nature of God. Love.


God is love-1 John 4.                 

When I say that I love, I imply that I know God (actually meaning that God has revealed, is revealing to me, in continuing measure, what love is, what and Who He is, that He is love). This is faith. Since God is love, there  is no loving course of action God can take except to open my “eyes” to see, know and join Him in that love-Heb 11:6.

When I say that I love you, that can only mean that it is my desire to see you fully developed into the creation that God created you to be, to have the impact and purpose of God for the specific design He calls “you”, is real, tangible in every dimension of living, visible (and invisible) to you and your sphere of influence. To see you rightly related to God now, even today, and for all of eternity. That the joy of fulfillment be evident in you because you are rightly related to God and all that He has placed in your area of living.

My loving you has no bearing on any satisfaction I would receive from or desire of you for purposes of my own fulfillment, for then it would be conditional, contractual, merely a business deal, not love-1 Cor 13. In fact, my love for you will have cost-John 3:16. My love for you can only be explained by my actions toward you and my thoughts about you-Rom 5. Words may convey ideals, and even truth, but without action the words have no impact. Loving action for you may not always be visible to or understood by you.

Love is visible in right relationship. It can be seen as unity but must be undergirded with an individual desire of every component of a relationship to see every other component of that assembly in a contiguous, mutually beneficial relationship. That mutually beneficial relationship can only be actualized in God. A God Who has the infinite and unending capacity to fulfill and satisfy. To continuously open the “eyes” to new revelations of love and relationship.

There are unseen forces that are against you (and I) that are not conducive to love. These forces drive wedges and divisions into the fabric of relationship. They threaten to disassemble and destroy all that has been put together and all that is being put together.

When I say that I love you, I recognize that those forces that are against holy relationship are on and in me and actively reject them. Allowing and intentionally pursuing a transformation of mind and spirit (from my will of self-satisfaction, self-fulfillment and self-contentment to a desire to see you satisfied, fulfilled and content). Overcoming evil (self-death) with love (God Living) sets me on a course to love you correctly-Ps 51 & Rom12

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